additional Resources

We are thrilled to be working with so many wonderful organizations across the Jewish landscape to bring you the best of the best of what’s out there about Passover.

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18 Doors

If you’re like most of us, someone - or many ones - among your family and friends come from an interfaith family or are in an interfaith relationship. Here are some readings to add to your seder that recognize diverse lives we lead and how those relationships grow our Judaism in new and unexpected ways.

All the answers to your questions about the seder plate: What’s on there? Why did my friend have an artichoke?  Will I need another leaf on my table to accommodate all symbolic foods?



Our four cups of wine runneth over. When Passover begins on Friday night, you get two celebrations in one. The Haggadah of your choice will lead you through the seder, but with the simple addition of candles and wine, you and your guests can welcome Shabbat at the beginning of the Friday night seder, or bid Shabbat adieu at the beginning of the Saturday night seder. This supplement is a special addition for the weekend, a guide to help you integrate Shabbat and Passover into a single special celebration.



If you had to boil down a theme of Passover to six words, what would you say? Start with a brainstorm, synthesize it, and share your interpretation. Whether it's about the story of the Exodus, your distaste for matzah, or the pursuit of justice - there are endless ways to frame the Passover experience and story in only six words. Use our Six Word cards for Passover, Sanctuary, Freedom and Immigration to foster dialogue and conversation at your seder.

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Passover offers a perfect opportunity to combine the wisdom of a traditional Jewish holiday with our contemporary desire to live with our health and sustainability in mind. For example, some families put an orange or olive on their seder plate to recognize women’s rights and solidarity with Middle East peace. This year, use any of the myriad Passover Resources linked here to start a discussion at your seder.


Driven Day

From the makers of the Driven Day planner, powerhouse duo Rivka and Aviva, this is NOT your Bubbe’s e-book. Featuring menu planning, tips and tools to stay calm and relaxed and find out what works for you, budgeting and grocery guides, packing lists and tools for travel, how to plan for everything from cooking to cleaning and even some R&R, reflection journal for the practical and personal, and some of our favorite printables, this e-book will become your best friend. Purchase and download now!

Challah for Hunger

Challah for Hunger

Challah for Hunger

“Let all who are hungry come and eat.” Passover begins in most homes with this ambitious, heartfelt invitation.  Words that serve as a direct reminder that our job at Passover, and always, is to tell the story of hunger’s injustice and act against the hardships it creates. This year, Challah for Hunger provides you compelling resources to make a place at your Passover table for discussions about food insecurity. May your conversations, like ours, inspire and equip you to act against hunger.

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Judaism Unbound

Judaism Unbound, a project of the Institute for the Next Jewish Future, is a project that catalyzes and supports grassroots efforts by “disaffected but hopeful” American Jews to re-imagine and re-design Jewish life in America for the 21st Century. Judaism Unbound produces a once-a-week podcast, runs an active facebook page, and features blog posts by fellows of the Institute for the Next Jewish Future and guests. They also have lots of great Passover-related resources that you can find here!